Wednesday, June 18, 2014

One of the blessing of living away?!

We let the kids tub together when doing the jets. The other night they started baptizing each other. I wanted to put a stop to it the second they started, but Jer wanted to see where it would go. Living outside of Utah we go to a baptism at least once a month. As they started dunking each other in the water they knew how to their hands were supposed to be held and that you could plug your nose when you went under, they raised their one hand and started saying things like Leah Nielsen I baptize you with the priesthood. Leah threw in there one time "Landon Nielsen Aguilar, by the power of the priesthood I baptize you." I guess living on the border where everyone who they have heard be baptized has three names that Leah felt like Landon needed an extra one in there too!.

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