Saturday, May 17, 2014

Just trying to stay cool.

I think that our tramp might be one of the best investments we have made for the kids(and Jer). We had been cleaning and working on projects all day Saturday and needed to take a break and get out of the house. It's was a 109 so anything outside needed to involve water. It was a perfect way to spend the evening playing with the sprinkler under the tramp. 

Trust fall at it's best!

Lulu didn't cry at all-even when dad laid her right in the middle of the spray. She absolutely loves the tramp. I think the water was refreshing too!

Working on his moves.  Sliding across the tramp. Ouch - if you ask me! 

They were trying to clear the center circle! And then took turns doing bum sits in the middle. 

Love these Munchkins!

Chilin watching the kids

She LOVES her Daddy. 

Such a happy little girl. 

Not the same smiles for Mom:(

When the grass had about all it could of water, Jer resorted to spraying the kids down. It was a little therapeutic!!

They were asking for it! Crazy kiddos!

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