Saturday, October 4, 2014

St. George Marathon.

I ran the St. George Marathon! It is something that I have always wanted to do and check off my bucket list. It's definitely something that I will NEVER do again. I feel very accomplished knowing that I finished it, but it was very hard to get the hours in training and let face it-I'm not built to run, or for endurance, or hops(as my husband nicely put). It was super fun to run it with Melissa! 

The sea of 8,000 people!

Getting ready to start. 

I ran like this for the first few miles because I was FREEZING!! 

Jer had little things that I was supposed to do at certain miles. We had to start with "all of my training has prepared me for this" while bringing your hand together in front of you,  we had sashays at 6, 16, and 26, (16 and 26 were not pretty!!), yell "free meal" at 10, and "taxi" at 15. I love my hubby for that reason and it made it fun!!

Here is our 7 mile selfie. 

The last 2 miles were the longest miles of my entire life! 

Super excited to be DONE!

I lost Missy at about mile 11. She is a machine and crushed it! I was glad she stuck around the finish line for a picture with me!

Lulu was so done at this point. She was a good sport!

I couldn't have done this without my support team. I am so grateful for my husband and his willingness to let me do crazy things like this. I can't thank him enough!! I was only at mile 20 when he got to the finish line. He took the kids over to the temple to go through the visitors center.

 I'm glad they had something to do(I was really slow the last 6!!) 

But a finish is a finish!

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