Monday, October 6, 2014

St. George for Conference Weekend!

 We headed to St. George for Conference weekend to spend time with cousins. The weather was beautiful and we spent most of our time there in the pool. Again, I was terrible at documenting everything on the trip. Landon was able to ride the dirt bikes with the boys for a little bit and I didn't get one picture-next time hopefully!

Uncle Bubba and Dr. Nefario in the pool. 

Chicken fights!

This is what happens when you forget swim diapers. 

Night swimming. 

We played Mountain cricket over at the park. I only got pictures of these munchkins on the playground and none of Landon playing Mountain cricket with the Terry boys. Hard to be in two places at once. 

The games the boys play! The goal was to submerge all the noodles when jumping in. 

There is always a project to be done. It's better that way, these boys have a hard time sitting still. 

Lots of hanging out with cousins. We loved every minute of it!

More swimming. 

This pretty much sums up how Landon felt all weekend being with the Terry boys! Photo credit Melissa!

Getting brave jumping in from the ledge!

Bubba showed Cole some new cannonball tricks. They really are just kids at heart. 

The girls were very outnumbered on this trip. Leah was thrilled that she got to hold Maggie all weekend. Wherever Maggie was, that is where you would find Leah! 

If only this is where she could ride. She would have been a much happier camper. 

Some ice cream for the long car ride home!


Might as well teach them young:) 

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