Tuesday, April 22, 2014

St. George take two.

The Terry's brought a four-wheeler. Jer took the kids for a spin. 

All geared up. 

Grandma had the kids make shirts for the airport that spelled "Welcome Home". Landon could have done anything he wanted since he wouldn't be there. He wanted his just like Carters- paint mark for paint mark. That's why he has an "M" on his. 

It was a fun craft project. 

Leah loved painting hers. 

Goose loves having unlimited access to the paint!

We did some projects at the house so we needed to stop at Lowes. This is how we roll!! Kids love it and they stay by us!!

Lacey talking to dad trough the glass at Chick-fil-A. One of our favorite and a "must eat" when possible. 

Jer cleaned the lint out of the vent... I think this is a fire hazard!

Landon found this tape measure and spent two days measuring anything and everything!

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