Monday, April 28, 2014

Memory Monday

I bought some donuts for a special treat Saturday morning. I let them eat it in the front room so they could watch cartoons and dad and lulu could stay sleeping while I went for a ride. When I got back they had polished off the entire box!! Next time I will have to rations their portions:) 

Jer let the kids play with his TMNT collection. I was surprised when he also let the neighbor kids!

Goose doing his exercises with Leah's necklaces. I'm sure she'd freak out if she knew he had them, and that he had to go in her room to find them:) 

Lulu is a finaky nurser. She only nurses when she wants to and hates when I am super full. So, when she sleeps extra good and I'm extra full she gets and lttle flooded and sometimes sprayed in the face. 

This kid could watch TV ALL day EVERYDAY!!

While this kid is pooping he always say "mom you me" Which translates to him wanting me to tell him a knock, knock joke. 

I always ask Leah how she wants her hair. Sometimes she has some crazy requests. I try my best to do it how she wants it. Luckily for the most part it's usually in a ponytail:) 

She couldn't decide which color of flower because they all matched her outfit. So, she wanted all three. Love this girl and her fashion sense. 

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