Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lacey's 4 months.

This little girl is adored in our family. She is rolling side to side, but not fully to her stomache. She is a pretty good sleeper most the time and goes 6 to 8 hours. She is a very happy baby and we are lucky to have her in our home. The kids are always asking if they can hold her, their always in her face, and they love making her laugh. 

Landon helping her find the lion. 

Goose always, always asking "I hold the yuyu bean"

Leah has been her biggest fan, shocker I know!

Jer let the lilos hold her standing up. 

I think that look sums up how she is feeling. 

Leah didn't want to give her up!

This is what she puts up with most of the day. 

And this from the goose. 

I'm a crib nazi so church is hard. She ready for a nap when we get there. Dad is the only one that she will fall asleep on and he LOVES it! (Don't worry after this picture he shaved "barry" the mustache!)

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