Monday, December 26, 2016

Lacey turns 3!!

My baby is three!! She is such a momma's girl it hurts sometimes, loves that she gets to sleep in Leahs bed, responds "wha da" to most everything, thinks she is the boss of everyone, is the biggest ham and show-off, loves her Pinky and blanket...along with skunky, girrafy, buster(basterd is how she says it), and baby, points with her middle finger, loves to "nails paint", is obsessed with Netflix on the iPad, is very particular on how her hair is done, is into "i do it myself"(which I hate) dressing herself, making her own sandwiches, putting on her own shoes, getting her own drink..etc. loves to make sandwiches or bagels but just to lick the knife every time she dips in into the mayo or cream cheese, is a good eater and less picky then her siblings, always tells us it's "ca-ca-cold", asks for everything when we are at the store and when I tell her no she simple put it back and says 'otay", loves to play nanny nanny boo boo with dad, loves her sleep and will ask if I can love her na-night, could wear the same three outfits all the time, is very animated when she talks and uses her hands just like her mom, has her dad wrapped around her little finger, and is completely loved and adored by all of us! Happy Birthday my little foofie bear! 

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