Thursday, February 27, 2014

Love my life!

According to Leah it was wear Apricot day. This girl kills me with her outfits. 

This is what was waving goodbye to me as I left for exercise. 

Got to exercise and this is what Goose was talking about when he told me he farted and had a hole in his butt(I thought he was talking about the real hole and told him to quit saying that). Dad obviously didn't car that he had a hole, I got a pretty good laugh from it. 

This is where the kids ended up after homework. Goose refused to take a nap so he joined the kids for quiet time while Lacey was nice enough to take her nap. 

Landon wanted to wear his towel like dad, and he chose the biggest towel we had to wrap around his skinny little waist. 

Goose figured out that when he presses the duck to his chest not only does it make a fart sound, but it sticks!

This little stinker is already 2 months and is as happy and smiley as ever!

I pulled out the Bumbo to see if Lacey was ready to use it. Not big enough yet, but the Lilos and goose put them to good use for the night. 

Skinny little fart!

Helmet head!

Dad even got in on the action. 

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