Saturday, February 1, 2014


I was telling Jer that I was a little sad that none of my family was going to be here for baby Lacey blessing. We were on our way to dinner at Chili's when I got this text from Jenny saying "Wish you were here" It was Lishelle's birthday and I had sent her a texting wishing her a happy birthday. She sent a reply saying you should come with us. I told her that was just mean and that I would be there in a heartbeat. Little did I know that all 20 of them were joining us for dinner. I had no idea! When they were seating us I thought that they were trying to have us join a different party and even turned around to sit at a different table. I was floored and started crying when I saw them all sitting at the table! Best Surprise ever!!! And to add to the surprise we were all going to pack up and leave for Disneyland right after the blessing. 

This is the picture Jenny sent. 

Here is the group. I am so grateful that they would make the trip. 

Landon and Leah were in heaven having cousins here. 

We had to have Molten lava cake for Shelly's Birthday!

My "Sesters"

It was Chaos, but I didn't care. I never thought in a million years that I would get my sibling and their kids at my house. I soaked up every minute of it. 

This just makes my smile. Thanks to all my family for making the trip! I did feel bad that Lynn and Cindy had to share their time with this crazy bunch. 

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