Monday, April 6, 2020

Quartinene week 4!

Week 4. Jer is finally starting to see how the last couple of weeks have been for me. He has been home all this week since he's only suppose to be going in or doing work as needed.  He is going stir crazy without projects and having to be at the house all day. I don't need projects, my kids new school schedule and keeping them busy and active is my focus. I loose Jer a lot to the garage or disappears and we can't find him for help. Frustrating for sure! It's all been really really HARD. Hard finding a new schedule, hard homeschooling the kids and keeping all their assignment straight, hard not teaching High and seeing friends, hard keeping the kids active- besides screens, hard feeling like we can't go anywhere and need to find new ways to play on the tramp or some type of soccer game, hard not having the few hours of free time to get the things done I needed without the kids-it's all be a HARD adjustment. Parks are closed off. Thankfully piano started back up over zoom. Lacey set up a tea party for al of us with stations. She was a little bit bossy and was telling us how to play and what to say, but it was a fun change of pace for the family. Logan kept begging to do s'mores so we pulled out the fire pit for the first time! Lots of walk and time spent on the tramp. The Terry's egged our house for Easter which was a fun surprise. We also were able to do some service for Brother Archibald and he sent us flowers as a thank you. Another week down. 

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