Monday, April 13, 2020

Quarantine week 5!

School zoom calls all seem to happen at the same time and we only have so many devices, it's a bit crazy at times. Logan seems to have the most work and between him and Lacey I have my hands full keeping them on task. Logan loves to type his work on the computer, but it takes twice as long when he does. My patience is being testing in ways I didn't know possible. We try to get out of the house on a walk or scooter ride once a day when the weather permits. We are also in the kitchen a lot more. The kids are loving helping and picking the dinners to prepare. Leah is also loving baking a lot more! Lots of time in the kitchen and I am loving it! Skills my kiddos will need when they grow up! The kids also found Mario on the Wii and are obsessed, they are working as a team to beat all the levels. 

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