Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quarantine week 3! "Spring Break"

Spring break was not what we had planned! We were supposed to go camping, but with the stay at home order and the rain our plans were canceled. We tried to make the most of it while being stuck close to home. Lacey had a Zoom call for dance, we did lots of art and coloring, legos were our go to boredom relief,  and we enjoyed being outside as much as possible going on walks and playing on the tramp and playground! We pulled out lots of board games that we played as a family introducing the kids to aggravation and apples to apples. We had UNO night over zoom with friends which was nice to see them and play games. Jer had to work so I took the kids to the Lagoon trail for a change of scenery and to look for animals, all we found were bison and deer. Conference was this weekend which was amazing! The kids do better watching when they have quiet activities to do. We had treat and kinetic sand to keep them busy. We were expecting a big announcement but the proclamation of the  restoration was the only big announcement made.  The kids were in charge of dinner and made it all together by themselves. I have put them one of them in charge of dinner each night since we have a lot more time on our hands and they are liking the responsibility. We made the most of the time we had between conference session by braking ice, eating popsicles, and going on walks. 

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