Monday, April 13, 2015

Oh the Joys!

It snowed and my kids were thrilled. I'm excited to live in Utah to experience all four seasons again. My kids love the cold more then the heat. They were out there frozen in all the wrong gear, but didn't care one little bit! They were out there trying to block the gutter and would have stayed longer id we didn't make them come in for dinner.  Landon would have been out there without a jacket if I would have let him. It doesn't matter what season it is, he thinks it's summer!! Lacey just looked at it and laughed, still not so sure about all the white stuff.

The training wheels are off! I've been trying to get Goose to ride his bike without training wheels for a few weeks now and he can do it he just doesn't trust himself. Well this afternoon he gave it a try without me forcing him too and took off. The last thing he asked before going to bed is if he could go ride Drewbies bike in the morning. 

After Landon's practice the kids wanted to roll down the hill at Mueller Park. The had a riot,  giggled the whole way down the hill, and even did a second round. It was all cute till Goose cried the whole way home because his head hurt and Landon threw-up in my car-NOT COOL! Needless to say we will not be rolling down the hill again!  

Out soaking up some superman sun, eating pears, and watching the boys ride bikes. 

What is it about the gutter and water that my kids love. This one wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't in the middle of the street. 

Freeze tag for FHE. We love being with the Terry's even if it is complete chaos. My kids are going to go through withdrawals when we are no longer in their business 24/7. 

Moms and Muffins at Oak hills. I love these two even if Landon won't look at the camera to save his life!!

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