Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015!

My mom put on a huge egg hunt for the grandkids. They were spoiled rotten and had more eggs and prizes then they knew what to do with. This is right after she let the big kids loose in the yard. 

Lulu was happy with the first egg and could have been done right there. 

Leah was picky with the color of eggs that she found. 

Landon was all about getting the most! 

Goose was just happy to get some candy, pretty easy to please!

It ws pretty windy so we ALL started flying kites. Not really ideal in Grandpa's backyard so we headed down to oak hills to avoid some tangles and tears. 

Goose was pretty cute running around in a circle with the kite. 

We died eggs at Grandmas house later that day too. It was super fun with all the little this year. 

Easter Morning and Conference weekend. I can't think of a more perfect way to spend Eater then listening to the Prophet! 

We spent the evening at Grandmas again playing games and enjoying family. 

These three kill me! This is how the conversation went 
"Gibson: Drew I'll hold your hand and yin hold Logan's and then i punch you like this and then you punch me." and pretty soon they weren't holding hands anymore and it was just a free for all punching fest! 

Rock, Paper, Scissors! My new favorite game!

The pummeling after! 

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