Sunday, November 16, 2014

T.L. Waggoner Round Up!

The annual Round-Up put on by Landon and Leah's elementary school. It was a lot of fun this year and the best thirty dollars we have spent in a long time. 

I voluteened at the booths that the kids classes put together. Leah wanted to come help me and I'm glad she did. 

Disco zone. It was hilarious to watch them get their grove on!. 

It helps that all their friends were there. 

Lulu decided to not take her second nap, but was pretty content spectating from the stroller. 

Pretty handsome bunch. 

The hayride, they had a fiddle and guitar playing music. Some happy campers!

Playing outhouse toss. 

Goose taking a turn. 

Mining for gold. 

Landon played the basketball toss twice while we were waiting for the hayride. 

All goose wanted was popcorn, but this is kettle corn...sooo good. Goose would have been fine the rest of the evening sitting in the stroller with the bag of popcorn if I would have let him!

Done and stickier then all get out!

LOVED the bounce houses. We spent the last half hour here till they kicked us out!

She was just happy to be down and not held. 

It got a little crazy, fun, but crazy!

Not a bad shot of all my wranglers! 

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