Monday, November 3, 2014

Memory Monday.

We got a dog!! I'm still not 100% sure this is our best idea! I feel like I can barely keep things together with my kids and life in general so to throw a dog in the mix too. We were talking about getting the kids one for Christmas but when the price is right we couldn't wait. She is a brittany spaniel and is super sweet. Jer told me when can think of it as a foster dog...right. 

Landon was obsessed with this house he was building over at Ismael house. I think it was more for the work clothes and tools. 

We had a Birthday Party for one of the Lilos friends. Lacey loved playing in the house. 

Leah got to decorate cupcakes with them. 

Landon was obsessed with the air hockey table. 

Logan was all about the cupcakes. 

These two out enjoying the sandbox. 

We had some fun with the umbrellas. 

I told them they could stay inside with me and do chores or play outside. It's amazing how much better they play when the inside is not that fun!

They asked for a blanket to cover the "one" hole in the top. I came out to find this. Nice "one" blanket!

The kids were out playing with chalk and it turned into a fight, surprise, surprise. 

Landon drew some stars and gave them to Leah. Here are the stars and a note (not 100% sure what the note here says.)

So Leah wrote a note to Landon saying, 
"Thank you Landon for giving me a star"
Landon told her she should have just told him and put the big yellow X on top, which sent Leah into tears. 

I was upset for him being a jerk(since he had a hard time being nice all day!) I came out to find this note "I am sory can I upoljis(apologize) Leah"

And this was Gooses creation while all this was going on. 

Feeding the dog...her new favorite thing. 

One donate, amazing mess!

We race home from Church and I love it! The kids always tell me "it's not a race mom" but when we get home they say "we beat you mom" one of the perks I guess of having to drive 2 vehicles to church. 

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