Monday, November 10, 2014

Rough Memory Monday.

This week has been a little rough. Jer has been super busy at work so I have felt a little like a single mom these last two weeks, plus we have had a little flu bug going around, and Lulu is cutting her top 4 teeth! Not the best combination for me and it's starting to ware on this tired momma!

With it still being in the high 80, yes you can run through the sprinklers. 

And jump on the tramp in them. 

Then see who can slide the farthest. 

Landon would bounce and cheat..shocker I know!

Goose was actually pretty good at it!

One of the girls in my ward brought me this carmel apple that they made in YW and were supposed to bring to someone they thought highly about. I was flattered. 

Our new dog!

The kids were out playing "Guess what I am" on the tramp. It turned onto them all acting like dogs and counting to 10. Then it turned onto them being spanish dogs and counting to 10 in spanish. I got a pretty good kick out of it. 

This is what Miss lulu looks like when the dog comes near... too many kisses I guess. 

Landon had to miss a day of school with the flu. He was devastated and cried that he had to miss. He tried so hard to convince me that he was just fine. He got his backpack on, got the bikes ready and told dad to feel his head one more time, he then threw-up in the garbage can...he's for sure staying home. He loves school! Believe me I would send him in a heart beat, he is my worst one to have sick. 

He sure kept us entertained filling his shirt with rocks!! Obviously feeling a little better. 

Lady loves to be on the tramp with the kids. 

Leah had come leaps and bounds with her love towards her brother. It melts my heart when she takes on the big sister role like this! Logan always asks her "who's your buddy who's your pal". 

Poor Goose had it coming from both ends and a fever!! Not fun at all!

Jer was home a little early so I got to take Leah to gymnastics with out the boys and it was a much needed one-on-one outing with this little lady. 

She is loving it and told me that she want to do it until she can't and then she will teach. 

The dog is fitting in, she thinks she is one of the kids! Too bad she's not as easy to potty train as the kids!

Mr. Fix it! He keeps taking apart things to try and fix them or change the batteries. 

These two are busy besties! He loves his sister and I can't wait till she is older to play the games he wants her to play. 

I would love to volunteer at the Lilos classroom, but it's hard with the two little ones. So I voulunteer to do things at home to help. Leah teacher sent home these paper bags to make into indian vests. I was making them while Jer and I were watching TV when he just started laughing. It was the loudest thing ever! I didn't really notice because I was the one making the noise. We got a pretty good kick out of it!

Finally cooling off enough to start my Friday Lunch date with these munchkins. 

I left a note on Leah's bed to tell her thank you for making her bed. She wrote this one back. We are more alike then I thought. 

Probably not their best idea, but they sure had fun!

Leah loves Lady, and Lady loves her!

Soaking up as much time as we can with dad. We've been on drought lately!

Wii time.

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