Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Logan is ONE!!!

It is hard to think that it was a year ago that this little angel entered our lives. He is the sweetest baby ever! He smiles at everything and everyone, will give loves to the ladies but not to the men, is a magnet for an open toilet seat, is walking, loves to mimic you (burps/kung-fu), does a fake laugh when everyone else is laughing, when you say "one, two, three, jump" he tries to jump, he is constantly in motion, loves to open drawers and pull everything out of them, loves stacking things, loves putting lids on things, loves other little kids and tries to eat them, loves the stairs and is pretty good now to go up and down, loves to be outside, hates the grass still, wants to be wherever the kids are, waves bye, signs all done, blows kisses, says mama and dada, is very vocal, loves to have his own bowl and spoon, loves to have a toothbrush, hates to be in a cart/stroller, is a good eater(obviously), goes down easy for naps, takes long drinks followed by the customary "aaahhh" is a mamas boy, crawls away quickly and laughs when you say "you get back here!", wants to be four, has mastered the fake cry, still makes the concentrated poop face, adores holding the steering wheel while standing in the driver's seat, refuses to hold still while you change his diaper, and makes us laugh every day! We love you Mr. Goosey Goose, the Goosenheim, the Goose-a-relli or just relli for short (your real name is Logan, even though we never call you by your name). Happy Birthday!! One Year Stats Height 31 inches 90% Weight 25 lb 80% Head 43 cm 90%

1 comment:

a-anderson said...

I love to see all the trouble he is getting into!