Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kindness Jars

I was at the end of my rope with Landon and Leah fighting ALL THE TIME. They tease and push each others buttons and then tattle tale. When sending them to their room no longer worked and all my other plans had failed I turned to bribery and rewards. We started a kindness jar. They are both big into money and how much things cost. They could earn and loose money for behavior and attitude throughout the day. The deal was when the jar was full they could pick out any toy at the store. Landon had his eye on a transformer and Leah wanted a barbie with a prince. After a few months of this their jars were finally full! We took them to the store on Monday to pick out their prizes. Jer and I laughed because they have been dead set on what they were going to pick. When it came down to it Landon picked out more cars(not that we need any more at our house) and Leah picked out a Zooable. We are now on round 2 of the kindness jars.

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