Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Fun!

We love the weather here in Arizona. It is nice pretty much all year round so we are able to be outside a lot. The lilos love going for thier morning bike rides. Leah is pretty lax and loves chilling where Landon is usually busy trying to see everything.

Our 5 o'clock walk. We try to get out for a walk a little before bed time. It may not look like it in the pictures but they love it. I was experimenting with the bugs hair. It is so crazy lately that I thought it might be long enough to pull up. It definitely makes her look like a bug. I think that we'll wait a little longer to try again.

They get big so fast. They are sitting up huge and starting to move around. I always say I can't wait till they can crawl, or walk, or talk, but I can. They grow up way too quick. I love these little guys!


The Bodily Family said...

Those babies are such cuties. I need to get Dave off the couch and walking with me in the evenings. What a great way to unwind at the end of the day.

Jill and Scott said...

So sweet! I can't believe you got little pigtails in her hair! So cute. I agree with Holly, a great way to spend family time at the end of the day!

Michael and Emily said...

I love Leah's hair! I'm with you: I wish I can skip the baby stage and just start with toddlers. I'm sure it will be different when I have my own.

Heidi Buchi said...

So fun! I just love seeing all these cute pictures. What beautiful little babes you have! I was thinking about getting a bike and little trailer thingy for Lola, you will have to let me know if your kids like it. I miss rollerblading with you guys!!!:( We went with Lola and she liked it. We stuck her in the stroller and it went well, no one got hurt!:)

The Freemans said...

Oh my word!!! I can't believe how big they are getting!!! How is Jer's back? We hope he is doing okay. What a bummer birthday!! We love you guys so much and miss you like crazy!!! (I finally have a new post. with more to come!)