Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

We went to the Gunty’s house this weekend for a work party. We went last weekend too, but I forgot my camera so I didn't get any photos of their debut swim; which was too bad because Landon loved it and Leah hated every minute of it. Luckily this weekend I remembered to bring the camera and as you can see, they both had a great time at the pool.

Leah Chilling with her dad

Leah and her boyfriend Crew. Don't you want to squeez him!

Chilling in the Bumbos having some grub.

Landon and his fishin' hat.

This is where the warm water came out. Obviously the place to be:)


Heidi Buchi said...

You have some cute little swimmers! How adorable are they!!! They are getting bigger everytime you post, we miss you guys!

Cole and Mindy Smith said...

OH my heck could they get any cuter. Well, I thought that they looked like Jer, but after careful consideration, they TOTALLY look like you! Their smiles are SO you! I love them, wish that I could see them, and you of course!

a-anderson said...

You got such cute pictures of them.

Jill and Scott said...

Looks like they had a great time! So cute!

Olivia Booth said...

What a beautiful family! The twins are soooo cute! I want to reach through the picture and kiss them! How fun! I am still working on getting to Arizona June 11th through the 14th and hope I can see you! Love ya

Davis'...things that make us smile said...

Oh my gosh Alisha your kiddos are just darling! A good mix of you and Jer! I hope you're enjoying life being a mom! You totally deserve it!I hope you're enjoying Arizona!