Monday, January 26, 2015

Grandma Desi!

FINALLY we got a visitor! We love having people come visit and it rarely happens. To say my kids were excited was an understatement. I love having my mom here when there is not a big event,  like having a baby because that seems to be the only time I get people here. We were able to hang out and enjoy some one-on-one time with Grandma and my kids LOVED every minute of it!! They painted some pictures for her, these are only a couple...
Grandma was show and tell at school for letter "g" 

We had lunch with the kids at school and even spoiled them with McDonalds Happy meals. 

Lulu loved the iPad as much as the other kids:)

Goose was Grandma's buddy. He loved having the kids at school and getting Grandma all the himself. 

We played pretty much every board came that we had, legos, just dance, statues, read books, jumped on the tramp, watched moves in bed, played on her iPad/iPhone(to the point of my kids being a little obsessed and me being annoyed with the obsession), and just got grandma all to ourselves for a couple of days. I cherish the quality time that my kids get when we have her here 24/7. I think that's why it makes me sad that we don't get visitors more often. Although we are moving back to Utah and will be able to see grandparents more often it won't be the same quality time that they get when they come and stay with us. So, as excited as I am to be moving home I am sad to not have this opportunity for quality time...but since it's only happened a handful of times I think it is better off that we are back in Utah for my kids to be able to see Grandparents and cousins

Grandma taught the kids how to make friendship rubber band bracelets. 

Jer and I went out to dinner-TWICE. We have forgotten how to date. Our idea is putting the kids down and watching a redbox at home. It was really nice to get out and have a nice quiet dinner together. 

Thanks Grandma for taking the time to come visit us!! We love and appreciate it more then you will ever know! 

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