Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Princess/Transformer 4th Birthday Party!

This is the first year that I have done a friend birthday party for the Lilos. I asked what kind of party they wanted and Leah wanted a Princess party and Landon wanted a Transformer party. I incorporated a little of both in the cupcakes and games and overall I think it was a huge success. I think that I had as much fun planning and preparing for it as the kids had during the party. As friends arrived the girls got tiaras and the boys got transformer masks. We rented a bounce house, ate pizza, played musical squares, dug for candy, played pin Pascal on Rupenzul/All-spark on bumblebee, and of course some cupcakes and ice cream. The kids were spoiled with gifts and I think everyone left on a sugar high. As with anything in life I wish that there was 4 of me! One to take pictures, one to host, one for crowd control, and one for clean-up. I didn't get pictures of some things that I wanted, but I still got a lot of pictures. It was a fun Birthday and I still can't believe they are 4. Happy Birthday you two. We sure love you!! The Princesses.
The Transformers.
Musical Squares
Digging for candy-much safer then a pinata.
Eating Pizza
Archie and Logan trying to stay out of trouble.
The Lilos just after blowing out the candles.
PLaying Pin the Pascal/All-spark
Opening gifts
More gifts...they were spoiled.
Logan wanted to be wherever the big kids were.
Eating some Ice cream. They all piled into the play set.
Some bounce house fun! Believe it or not there was not one casualty-I was SHOCKED!
IT's a little blurry, but it the only family picture we got.

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