Saturday, October 6, 2012

Oh I wish it would end!!

It has been hot here since the beginning if June! Not just nice weather warm, its been in the 100's hot! We are just starting to cool off and its October. This is the first week that we have been down into the 90's and our nights are finally starting to dip into the 60's. The heat gets old after 5 months and there is only so much you can do indoor. I think next year we might invest in a blow up water slide..if our grass seed actually takes:) The usual popsicles.
The latest entertainment, making the sand box a mud pit.
They didn't stop till every inch of sand was wet.
It made for some good monster truck hills.
He loves this Basketball.
We ventures over to one of the nearby parks now that this kids don't get burnt from the metal and we won't die of heat exhaustion on the way:)
The kids spent most of the time on the swings.
The got a kick out of sitting in the baby swings.
Logan was a huge fan!
Yep, still loves it!
Dad even did some tricks.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

Super cute pics! Sure miss you guys.