Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lake Powell 2011

This was not the best Lake Powell trip I have ever been on. The first two days Jer and the Lilos were sick. Luckily we were in a hotel so they could get out of the heat . The third day we had some bad winds so it was really the last day that we were there that health and weather cooperated with us. It didn't help either that my kids hated every minutes of being in grandpas boat. Maybe next year will be a better experience:)

Out on the boat taking in the beautiful scenery that Lake Powell has to offer.

Catching Lizards on the beach.

Digging in the sad just outside the hotel.

The happiest my kids were all trip. Feeding the ducks!

Driving grandpas boat.

Playing at the pool when we were a little under the weather.

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