Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Crazy Lilos....

Its been a crazy month trying to keep up with the lilos. They are all over the place. They are starting to stand on their own and take steps, it's only a matter of time before they are walking. We have been cutting teeth for the last month between the two which makes for good and bad days. We are all done nursing for real this time. I know that I have threatened many times, but its official this time. I thought that I would have no problem giving it up, but I have to admit it was a lot harder then I thought.
Here are the lilos busy in my cupboards.

The bug with her morning shwoopie (That's what we call her hair wave)

Playing in the sandbox with Matthew.

Lovin' the car

She's a ham.

The lilo man in the tub.

Crazy hair.

He's pretty cute.

1 comment:

Heidi Buchi said...

Wow they are growing up, they are so freakin adorable! Bo said you guys were coming to visit our neck of the woods soon! We really hope to see ya when ya come! We miss ya and we need a big dose of the Nielsens!:)