Saturday, September 26, 2020

Logan turns 9!

Logan! The Goose-a-rellie! Our little G-Man. Man we love this kid!. He is one of the sweetest kids I know, he hates it when I swear, is athletic and picks up on things really easy, is obsessed right now with the Rubik's cube and beating his time of solving it, loves his hair long but hates to do it, loves to try and start fires with a magnifying glass and build a lean-to structure to sleep in, is super friendly, loves animals and usually is the one who takes care of the ones that we pet sit, still hates potatoes but will eat them now, still super sensitive and easily cries, hates jeans and will only wear comfy shorts or pants, loves school, loves to invent things, still finds junk to make into things wherever we go, insists on sleeping in his blanket cocoon, loves swimming and is always the last one out of the pool when we go, loves to ride his ripstick and hoverboard, and is very diligent in completing ALL school assignments and hates having to miss a day of school...even if we are going to do something amazing!


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