Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Kitchen-Aid and Razor

Nielsen have not had the bast of luck with our scalps lately. 
Have you ever got a new razor and gone for a really close shave?...like down to the hair roots!! Turns out Harry’s five blade German engineered razors
really hold up to the hype. He’s fine...I was horrified!

KitchenAid - 1...Leah - 0 and Jer has a new Trump-ish hair piece! Poor thing was leaning over it while plugging it in...well the switch was at 10 so when it got juice it fired right up and grabbed hold of all that hair. It was really scary because it wrapped right around her neck and was strangling her. We panicked for a bit and almost had to cut her out of it. To make matters worse, the brownies were just ok.


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