Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Logan: Mom don't be mad
Mom: What did you do?!
Logan: You know those things that dad uses that has a flat side and spins and fixes stuff...
Mom: You mean a screw?
Logan: Yeah one of those! One went down my throat.
Mom: You swallowed a screw! Why was it in your mouth!!!!
Logan: It wasn't, it was by my mouth and then went down my throat! 

This Kid is going to test every limit. I would have had no idea that he swallowed it if he didn't tell me. He didn't choke, cough, or complain of pain. The nurse checking us in even asked "did he really swallow something?" At that point I wasn't sure he did but didn't want to take a chance! Sure enough the x-ray came back with a big old screw. I was a nervous wreck the whole time. They just have to make sure it gets out of the stomach on its won, but then they just let things like this pass on their own. By medial standards it was a sharp object, although it's a screw. It only took two days and three bags of poop and we found it no problems! Hopefully he has learned his lesson...Hopefully! 

This stuff always seems to happen when Jer is out of town. This is him trying to out me laugh and lighten the situation! I love him and his effort, but I wasn't in the mood, I just wanted him home and the screw out!! 

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