Friday, April 1, 2016

Spring Break!

Spring Break 2016! we stuck around for the break because Jer had stuff going on at work and wasn't allowed to take time off. The kids had the Friday off and it was beautiful outside so we spent the majority of the day outside jumping and blowing bubbles. I love watching these littles blow bubbles and run to catch them!! 

It's all fun and games till Lacey runs out of bubbles! 

The weekend was Easter so that's a whole different post. 

The boys had a soccer camp all week which was a great way to burn some energy! 

Landon loved being out there and wouldn't hold still for a picture! 

Cleaning day! We were supposed to go to the Rec center, but the kids were so rude to each other all day that they lost that privilege! We stayed home and played board games. 

Tuesday: Kangaroo Zoo

This little monkey wouldn't hold still for a picture!

They were sweaty hot messes by the end and completely worn out! My job was done!! 

Wednesday: Lunch date with Brecken in Provo. It always so busy that we took the opportunity to visit without feeling rushed! We went to lunch and then watched a movie on her 70 inch TV!

Goose was busy coloring on his arm for the picture. Brecken was nice enough to loan him a piece of paper! 

Thursday: We wanted to go to the zoo but it was raining, again!!
So we pulled out the play dough, and had some iPad time. 

Had a window of sunshine to play at the park. 

The girls cleaned up the wet slides with their bums! 

And Landon had his first soccer practice of the season. 

Friday: Picnic at the park and finally some sun!! We even got dad for his lunch break!! Win/win all around! 

She could swing all day. 

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