Sunday, December 2, 2012

BP Christmas Party.

Boarder Patrol puts on a Christmas party over at the station every year. It was a lot of fun! They had games, food, horseback riding, and most importantly Santa. The lilos meeting the BP dogs.
Lando was 3 for 3 at the dart board.
I love this face. This is Logan's new surprised face.
Leah with her face painted.
Yeah, he's cute!
Riding horses. It took us 45 minutes to make it to the front of the line. THe people down here have no common courtesy for things like that. The joys of the valley.
Santa made his entrance in a helicopter. The kids wanted to know where his Sleigh was.
The kids got to go inside and play in the helicopter.
Yep, that's a really dark Santa. We live in Mexico for sure:)
Leah carried this book around all day to show Santa specifically what she wanted.

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