Monday, November 19, 2012

Horse backing at Lori's.

We were able to get up to Lori's to go "horse backing" as the lilos would call it. I always have a hard time getting Leah off the horse, she loves it! Lori even let her ride without someone leading her. Landon was one of the boys trying to rope the steer head. He loved every minute with the Terry boys! Lori made an obstacle corse for the kids to ride their stick ponies through. The Terry boys are very athletic so my kids had no chance, but hey gave a good effort and had a blast doing it! The weather was beautiful so we had some pizza on the front lawn after. Leah loving every minute of it!
Lando with cousin Tate.
Logan loved the dogs and loved his sticky face.
Leah riding all by herself.
The dogs are always a hit.
Practicing their rope skills
The obstacle Course
Logan got a hold of a pop can and thought he was hot stuff drinking it all by himself. I'm pretty sure most of it was down the front of him.

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