Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas came a day early for the Nielsen Family this year. Since we have church tomorrow at 9, we decided to ask Santa to come a day early. We wanted to enjoy Christmas morning and not be rushed getting to Church (since we barely make it there on time when it's not Christmas!) This year was super fun with the Lilos. They have been asking everyday since Thanksgiving if they can open the gifts under the tree and to my surprise they did not touch them until today. Landon asked Santa for a Mac Truck and soccer ball and Leah asked for a Barbie and a horse-Santa did not disappoint! It was fun to sit back and let them have freedom opening all thier gifts, Logan's, and ours. The kiddos were spoiled again this year with more toys and treats then they know what to do with. As we get ready for church tomorrow I am so grateful for the gifts the the Lord has given me. I am grateful for my family, for my husband, for the gospel and for the atonement of Christ. I am truly blessed. Hopefully tomorrow we can keep the true meaning of Christmas in our hearts. Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas Eve.

All in their PJ's.

Waiting to come downstairs.

The Loot

Lovin' the Barbie's

Even the Goose was spoiled.

Playing outside.
It's nice to live where its warm. Later we went outside to play with the Lilo Mans soccer ball and let the bugs horse run in the grass. I do miss having a white Christmas...but only for a second:)

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