Friday, November 18, 2011

My Lilos!

I have been meaning to post this for a while.
Dramatic, loves to sing and dance, still hoarding anything and everything (lately it has been mini barbies), loves the color purple, love the way she says "what" from despicable me, loves to cuddle, is notorious for leaving little trinkets under my covers, loves to read books, loves apples and will eat the whole thing seeds and all if you let her, loves to color and does pretty good to stay in the lines, screams at the top of her lungs when she is upset, very independent, loves animals, if you looked up slow in the dictionary there would be a picture of Leah, she always says "oh honey" when someone gets hurt, has some crazy hair when she wakes up in the morning, can chew a bite forever, is always the winner even if she was last, love "licofish" which translated is licorice...

3 Year Stats
Height. 39 inches
Weight: 31 1/2 lbs

Loves to help with any project that you are doing, will negotiate "one last one" with almost everything, still loves anything that moves, cars, truck, tractors etc., loves the color orange, hates his hands dirty, loves to wear his "big shoes", likes to dress like his dad, asks his dad daily if he can go to work with him, could eat sweets all day if you let him, loves to repeat the phrases "Como" and "hijole", loves to tease Leah, only has one volume...loud!, is a talking head...meaning he never stops, when you tell him no he will tell you "but I say yes and you say yes", when you tell him to take two more bites without fail he dry heaves, when you ask his name he leaves Landon out and tells people Michael Nielsen, has no concept of what being "the winner" is...

3 Year Stats
Height: 39 inches
Weight: 33 lbs

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