Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

This Halloween was a lot of fun. We asked the kids what they wanted to be this year and Leah wanted to be Ariel and Landon wanted to be a bad guy. WHen I asked him what a bad guy looks like he told me they fight and have a knife. The kid hates to have a costume on, but when we found the pirate sword and a pirate costume that looked like his dads, he had no problem dressing up. So, Saturday night we went to the ward Trunk-or-treat. They had chili and corn bread, booths with games for the kids, and a DJ with dancing. Monday we had one of the Lilos little friends come and trick-or-treat with us. Halloween is a big deal here and we probably had over 100 little, and big, trick-or-treaters come by our house. Landon was all about filling his pumpkin to the top. Leah was fine with some candy as long as she had a sucker. I'm sad that it's over and look forward to next year.

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