Monday, May 9, 2011

It's a BOY!!!

We are so excited to be having another boy on the way. I love pregnancy and it treats me pretty well. I haven't been sick at all just a little bit tired now and then, I think it's mostly from chasing me other two munchkins around. The Lilos have been pretty cute with the whole baby in the belly thing. Leah told us the other day that she had a "barbi" in her belly, then Landon had to chime in and say he had a "buzz lightyear" in his. Anyway, everything is looking good and everyone is healthy, so hopefully it stays that way!


The Nortons said...

So exciting! Congrats!

Alisa said...

Congrats on the boy!! I would have to say they are the best :)

Jen Hamner said...

Yay! We are having a boy too!