Monday, February 14, 2011


We had a great Valentines at our house. We started last week by making Valentines cards to send to family. My hubby surprised me by waking up early and cleaning the house, the best gift ever! Usually on Mondays I neglect my kids for a couple of hours while I get the house clean. I thought that I would be making breakfast for everyone but my wonderful husband took care of that too. The kids got a little Valentine from Mom and Dad that had some chocolates inside. We had heart shape PB and J's for lunch and after nap we made some valentine cupcakes. Landon and Leah have turned into really good helpers in the kitchen, they also like any excuse to sit on the counter. I was inspired by my friend to do a candle light dinner, well there was candles on the table. The Lilos would not leave them alone, so to be safe we lit them for a few seconds and then let the monkeys blow them out. Its the idea that counts..right. I cooked enchiladas, which is one of my husbands favorites and we had a yummy parfait for dessert. Fun, fun, fun! Can't wait till next year.

Making Valentines.

Breakfast burritos. The Burrito is the "I" the oranges are "love" and the strawberries the "U".

Chasing the kids with the vacuum.

THe kids and their Valentines.


Making some cupcakes.

I'm not an expert at photographing food.

THe picture does not do it justice. They were yummy!

1 comment:

a-anderson said...

Looks yummy! I love making holidays fun.