Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Park!

The weather has been so nice here in the Vista. We try to get out and go to the park as much as possible. The lilos love the park and there is a brand new one down the street from us. I keep forgetting to bring my camera, and the time that I do bring it, the batteries were about to die. So here are just a few of the pictures that I was able to snap before my camera died. It's hard to get the kids to look at me with a million other things going on around them. We don't really play on the playground, we just run around thinking we're huge like the other kids.

We love going down the slide! We just haven't figured out how to go up the stairs to get to the top once we go down.

She got some speed on this one.

Landon and the discovery center.

Da bug and her Dad.

Landon thinks he is huge swinging on the rings. The bug was not a big fan.

This is an unofficial sand box in the wash that we made an official sand box for the lilos!

It's a sad day when we have to leave the park.

1 comment:

Jen Hamner said...

So sad that park wasn't up and running when I lived there. It would have been such a happy medium for us to meet at and chat while the kiddos played... *sigh* I miss you and your kids...and your husband.