Monday, November 23, 2009

Does it start this young?

So the other week when I was at the store we had a little shoplifting incident. I use one of the car shopping carts and once I get food in the basket I can't see the Lilos. It's really only a problem when we are checking out and they are able to reach the candy. Most of the time I am able to push them out of arms length, but this particular time I was not quick enough. Landon happened to be the one closest to the candy and was pulling as quick as I could put them back. I thought that I had it under control tell the cute little bagger asked him about his candy. I asked her is she would had me the half malled candy bar so that I could pay for it. We finished checking out and I got to the car, unloaded the groceries, loaded Landon, and when I got to the bug realized that she had a candy bar that was not paid for. I was not in the mood to unload Landon, head back into the store, stand in line and pay for the .60 cent candy bar. Needless to say I left and the next time I was at the store I took the candy bar with me and paid for it. I just didn't think that I would have to worry about these types of things for another couple of years. Anyway, I now check my kids before I leave ANY store.


Heidi Buchi said...

Lola has done the same thing, only the lady caught me embarrasing! I guess I am going to have to start teaching her about the stealing lessons now too!

The Bodily Family said...

Holy Cow! I need to check your blog more often. What fun posts! Hopefully the stores are a little less strict with babies. I'd hate to see them carted off to Juvi!