Tuesday, July 7, 2009

9 Months already.....

I can't believe my babies are 9 months already. They are getting to be so much fun. Leah is crawling all over the place while Landon just swivels on his butt in a circle. They entertain each other all the time now. I don't know how many times I hear them in their cribs or out in the living room laughing at each other. We just had their check-up and they are growing little weeds. Landon was 19 1/2 lbs and Leah was just over 18. They were both 29 1/4 inches tall and have the same head size although Landon's looks like it's twice as big. Time goes fast. I can see why people have more now:)

(She's a mover)

(Landon is always smiling. This is Leah's new face)

(Standin' Landon)

(I love their little robes)

These are some pictures from the 4th. We enjoyed spending the day at some friends house grilling and playing in the pool. We ended up putting the kids to bed and watched the fireworks from our backyard. Maybe next year we will venture over to the park.

(She loves her Dad)


(Dad did her hair with the sunblock)


Jas and Kim said...

They sure are growing fast...It's nuts to believe that they are 9 months old already! Looks like they enjoyed the fourth and I love the sunblock hair!

Heidi Buchi said...

Your twins are adorable! That is so fun that they can just entertain eachother, how nice! You look so great, by the way!

Michael and Emily said...

I love the picture with Leah and Jeremy looking at eachother. And I can't believe how much she looks like you and how much Landon looks like Jer. They are so cute!

The Bodily Family said...

They are such cute babies. I can't believe how time flies.

Meg said...

So CUTE! I totally think Leah looks like Jer and Landon looks more like you. But then I see pics were they look so much alike! I guess you all look alike. What a cute family. It was good to catch up with you a little today. Now we can keep in touch through blogging, yay! Let us know when you're coming home so we can get together.