Friday, October 29, 2021

Halloween Festivities!!

The kids had their class parties on Thursday. It was wierd this year to only have 2 classes to help out in. I love going into the class room and the be known as "Lacey's Mom or Logan's mom" I love to see this kids in their class and get to know their friends and teachers! NO parade this year so only Lacey dressed up and Logan opted for the crazy hair day instead! 

Logan and Lacey went with friends to Gardner village to do the witches hunt!

We carved pumpkins and had out spooky dinner the night before trick-or-treating so we weren't rushed! I love that my kids do their own pumpkins and they do them quite well! Logan has had his idea for a couple weeks now and Landon and Leah chose to paint their pumpkins! I love this creative kiddos of mine! 

I forgot to take picture of our eyeball soup! The kids look forward to this every year and I love doing it! 

Trying tricks in his costume! 


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