Monday, April 5, 2021


Jer had been traveling quite a bit lately. FaceTime makes it easier to have him gone! 

Lacey is always writing notes for everyone!! 

Logan art work from Church- a lot going on in this picture. 

Logan hiding from Landon hoping he doesn't notice his in the front set. 

Channeling his inner surf! 

Finding all the dogs and the games. 

Climbing on the B while we cheer on boys lacrosse. 

They just  keep just loosing teeth! 

Missy is saving my kids life while I fly solo! She is seriously the best! 

His hair sometimes! 

Screen time out on the tramp! I think they were playing with the camera while they were jumping instead of homework! 

His helicopter hair! 

My tulips look amazing this year!! 

Marley making herself at home! 

Sneaking in dates whenever we can! 


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