Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Girlfriends, snow, HS, puzzles and bike rides.

Got together with some of my girlfriends and it was so nice to catch up. I truly hope my kids find friends like Jer and I have! Snow fell and we are loving playing in it! Too bad it gets dark at 5, cause it gets cold when that sun goes down! Lots of family time with new mask mandates! The kids started playing a game called HS, short for hall soccer. Pretty fun and we played as a family! Dad and mom in the mix make for a lot of legs and obstacles :) Puzzles with the cold weather! Trying to get as much biking before its tooo cold. Jer just upgraded his bike to a Tarmac. Can't beat good finds on KSL! It was a nice ride except the head wind when we turned around! 

“HS” (hall soccer)...it’s a thing! Just a tiny squishy ball and a hard floor is all you need. Nothing brings me more joy than the giggles that come from playing games “nicely” together as a family

Puzzles are always fun! 

Getting a few more rides before it too cold outside. 


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