Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Summer sickness and broken arm!

Jer is traveling this week and it's probably one of the worst weeks of my life. Logan had been sick with a nasty virus so we have tried to keep to ourselves till he is better. His gums are all swollen and he has been feverish. Wednesday he was feeling a little better so we decided to head over to west bountiful park, Landon had been begging to go. We hadn't been there 5 minutes when Lacey got knocked off the zip line and broke her arm. We rushed to primary and spent the next 6 hours at Primary. Not a great start to summer and these things always seem to happen when Jer is gone! 

The older kids were super helpful and understanding. Lacey was upset because they wouldn't let her eat or drink anything beaus they would have to sedate her to set the arm and she was super thirsty. 

We made it through and she was a trooper. She was pretty excited about the gum Channy gave her and the care package Grandpa and Nana Cindy sent along with all the cookies and treats that friends brought to show their love! 

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