Monday, February 26, 2018

Warm/Cold??? Can't decide.

The Weather here in Virginia might be worse then Utah. We were 20 degrees for 3 days and then jumped to 75...mother nature has mood swings too I guess! I had planned Leah dentist appointment to get her top retainer so I didn't have any kids with me. They delayed started school so I had all my kids with me instead. 

We chopped the girls hair and I am loving it! Leah wanted hers so Lacey wanted to be like her sister and have short hair as well!

Random long eyebrow hair...he gets it from me. 

Warm weather was too good not to be outside enjoying!

Nothing like a powder sugar war on a Saturday morning. 

Playing outside and Jer was annoyed by the crows and took one out. 

Leah is my monkey an loves climbing trees, and it scares me to death. 

This is where she is in the pine tree. 

Hunting for salamanders and geckos on this rainy day. 

Love when Goose reads to his sister. He's such a sweet boy! 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

3rd Grade Program.

3rd Grade musical program. Landon and Leah did great. Leah was a cat and Landon was a tiger in the Congo. They played the xylophone, recorders, drums, and sang. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Fords Theater, FBI Building and Spy Museum.

Ford's Theater. 

15,000 and counting. All books with reference to Lincoln the most of any Presdent. 

Spy museum. Kids loved this one. We got to pick our secret identity, climb through air ducts, decode secret message, deactivate bombs, and test our bond helicopter hanging skills. Trying to cross the rest of our "to do's" off the list before we head back west. 

It was snowing when we left so we tried to catch the big old flakes. Love my tribe! 

Friday, February 16, 2018


Landon, Leah and Logan all got awards at school. I am grateful that they all excel and do really well in school. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentines Day 2018!

Valentines day goodies from grandparents! 

Twinning in winning. 

All the treats for the kids and me. Jer got me a machete...too much walking dead, but I'm ready for the zombie apocalypse. 

The kids loot from school and their boxes. Leah did her all by herself. I helped goose but it was all his idea, and one of my favorite boxes! 

 I have the best Valentine in the world!! Love him so much!! 

Saturday, February 3, 2018


Headed to Missouri for the weekend for the baby blessing of baby Aida. She is perfect and it was fun the be there with most of my siblings. We ate lots of yummy BBQ, visited the WW1 memorial, and a couple church history sites. Quick weekend and I held that baby as much as I could!