Saturday, December 26, 2015

Lacey is 2!

2! I can hardly believe it! Although she is 2 going on 20. She is super bossy, and sassy, loves to tell the kids what to do, and thinks she is one of the big kids, love the attention of entertaining the older kids and making them laugh, my favorite is when she tell them to "shushatay", talks your ear off and is a little parrot, hates shoes and jackets, could live off "candy", is such a momma's girl right now, loves her "diet coke" like mom too, loves Mickey mouse road rally, has watched anna/elsa at least 100 times and won't let us listen to anything else in the car, hates for people to sing in the car, is an electronic junky, if you tell her no to the "phone" she'll say "iPad", is a great eater better then her older siblings, is always saying "hold you me", loves her kitty and blankets to sleep with, is obsessed with "nails paint" and "lipic", love to raid Leah's room of all her hoarding goodness, will scream "no"(and even yells it in her sleep) and follows with the cutest little "sorry mommy", when her dad tell her she's a sassy butt she'll say "no sassy butt right now daddy", has many nicknames foofie, tina, lulu bean, tinker bell, scandinavian foodie bear the most feared create in all the land - just to name a few, the nickname foofie has turned into a verb, you've been foofied, you foofied your pants etc.  we love this little one and are so grateful to have her!

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