Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Utah 2013!

We made our summer trip up to Utah! It was super busy, but tons of fun. I love hanging out with family and there is so much to do. I think we finally figured out how to fit everything in. Start the second you get there, don't stop the whole time your there, and take a couple extra days to get in what you forgot to do originally:) We made it to a homecoming, a baby blessing, and a farewell, we took a few days in Logan, spent a night in Huntsville, spent a day in cherry hill, went miniature golfing, took a day at kangaroo zoo, bowled with Aunt Mer, took full advantage of grandma's pool, Jer did his first (and last) triathlon, and spent as much time with family as possible. 

We spent a lot of time out by the pool. These two were linked at the hip! Landon thinks he is one of the Terry boys! 

Lots of water fights!

My two handsome Men!

We are in trouble when they get older! They played so good this trip, it was hard to separate them!

Some chicken water volley ball-that's a mouth full. 

The floating fools. 

It's bad when you can't see the bottom of the hot tub. I'm pretty sure the thing was empty when everyone got out. 

Grandma had all the kids over for a sleepover (the Adults snuck out for a late movie) 

Love the slip-and-Slide. 

Taking a break to warm up. 

Nothing like Paces for some yummy popsicles!

Loving the one-on-one time with Grandma. 

My kiddos painted Aunt Shelly's nails-while she was sleeping. 

Didn't they turn out pretty!

Jer was able to get out on both mountain and road bikes quite a bit while we were in Utah. 

We did S'mores one night while the boys were out for a bike ride. 

Logan only wanted the mallows

Cute group. 

They look thrilled!

Grandma helped Leah because she didn't want to burn hers like the boys. 

Kick ball with the cousins. 

Even the Goose got in on the action. 

All the sisters!

All the Pregnant ones!
Jenny Aug. 21 Kristen Oct. 4 Meliss Oct. 28 Me Dec. 31

Leah got some make-up from Grandma and put it to good use!

Goose got stuck in the bucket. 

The never ending puzzle find at Grandma's house. 

The grandkids with Grandma and Great-grandma. 

Leah had a sleepover with Lainey and Dayvis. They put on a fashions show and even put on make-up. Leah was in heaven playing with her cousins!! 

All the little helpers. 

Logan's favorite game "up" 


They loved that they had the same swimsuit. 

These two were actually buddy's this trip, pretty cute buds if you ask me. 

Love these guys!

Trying to get the Popsicle off his chin. 

Playing on the IPAD with Grandma. 

We also went out to temple square. I love how close ANY temple is in Utah. 

We even had time to squeeze in the splash pad. Which always is a hit. 

1 comment:

Alisa said...

We are bummed we missed you guys too... It would have been so great to see you. :) your kids are getting so big!!!