Saturday, April 27, 2013

Utah, and Aunt Shelly!

 I decided last minute to head up to Utah for my little sisters homecoming. After getting caught in a white out snow storm form Fillmore to Provo, I decided that we will only be coming in the summer from now on!  It was so fun to be with family and it was wonderful to see Shelly. I made Shelly ride back with me so that that alone made to trip worth it! Here is the photo round-up from the trip. WARNING PICTURE OVERLOAD!!!

Love hanging out with this girl! We sure missed her!

This two were trouble the whole time we were there. 

Out playing baseball in the circle. 

Enjoying time with Grandma

Roughing up Grandpa. The kids were so wild climbing all over him. We finally had to make them stop or poor grandpa might still be sitting there!

Landon loved every minute of being with the Terry boys!

Double trouble!

This was a love hate relationship. They wanted to be together. But this is what it looked like most the time they were. Drew would grab Logan to come play(he has an iron grip) and Logan would cry because he was grabbing him. 

Visiting my cute grandma that has almost completely lost her sight. 

Shelly did the banana dance with the kids! It was the funniest thing EVER!!! 

Leah tried to talk me into bringing one of these bunnies home. 

These two were inseparable. 

We might have to invest in a tramp. 

Landon was daring and jumped off the wall with the Terry Boys. I thought he was going to break his back every time he did. His cousins are fearless and crazy!

Landon was trying backflips because crazy Carter was doing them!

Riding bikes!

Missy and cute Drew-be

We hit up the park at one of the boys games. THis slide was a hit!

It would shoot them off the end. 

Logan thought it was hilarious. 

Danny came into town. We went out as adult for some ice cream. It was so nice to catch up with everyone. 

A pillow fort at Grandmas house. 

My dad likes to put the kids in the pain cave. 

Logan always wants to be in on the action. 

This is what the real pain cave look like. My dad pretty much smothers the grandchildren. 

Logan LOVED uncle Danny. 

Love this girl. 

Seven is the neighbors dog that the kiddos love. She is always over at Missy's house any time we are out side

The nightly ice cream 

Goose loved it. 

Leah had a grils night with my mom. 

Leah and Lainey. 

Love this fat little goose. 

The day I was leaving we went to the park. I love my sisters and miss them terribly when I am away. 

The heard 

I love this picture of Goose and my Dad. 

Melissa and I with Drew-be. 

Jenny, Kristen, Lishelle, mom, and Shelly. 

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