Monday, January 3, 2011

There's a Pillow in your face!

The kids love playing "there's a pillow in your face" with their dad. The game is just as it says, Jer throws a pillow right at their face while yelling "why is there a pillow in your face" and they fall down backwards. Landon does a dead drop straight back. Miss Leah on the other hand usually goes to her butt, then to her back. Not what I think of fun, but kids are easily entertained. I love the random games my husband comes up with. Never a dull moment at our house:)

The wind up,(Notice Leah trying to throw the pillow too.)

The hit,

The dead drop!

This is miss Leah.

This is the other game they love "So High", Crazy Lilos!!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I was laughing out loud so hard when I read this. Really you need to move close to me wherever I move in the near future. Tell your lilo's Aunt Shelly loves them. And tell Jer he is one of the greatest people I have ever met. Love you! Love your guts!